About Me

I was born and raised in Huntington Beach, California. My parents divorced when I was a very small child and although we visited my dad every other weekend,  my mom raised both my older sister and I.

Throughout my childhood I struggled with my self esteem and was constantly trying to make people like me. As my teenage years approached I began to rebel against my mom and started seeking the approval of people through negative behavior. I started skipping school, smoking cigarettes, doing all sorts of drugs and drinking until I eventually dropped out of high school. Over the next 10 years I continued in this lifestyle until eventually my life spun out of control. I suffered through deep depression, suicidal thoughts, rehab, violence, gang involvement, drug dealing, drug abuse, abortion, miscarriage and emotional abuse. At the age of 27 my life had spun so far out of control that I had lost custody of my 1.5 year old daughter and was living in a domestic abuse shelter. I had lost everything.

That is the moment when Christ stepped in to save me from myself. He met me in that shelter when I was at my worst, my most shameful, the most worthless moment in my life, and He took me in without question and gave me hope for a new life in Him.

I am now married with 4 beautiful children and our sweet rescue dog Mighty June Marie Klinge. We recently moved to Texas which has been one of the biggest and most awesome leaps of faith I have ever been through. I love all things 80’s and 90’s music, tacos, nachos, coffee and recently discovered my affinity for laser tag.

I have spent the past 15 years of my life pursuing Christ and changing my ways into His ways. He has carried me through many hardships and trials. Through the years I have developed a passion for learning the Bible, teaching the Bible and helping women understand that God has a radical plan for their lives and He needs no back up plan. I want to help women see that God has a critical place for them in His story. It is my hearts call to encourage women to make God the center of their lives, knowing that He sees them and is desperate for them, right where they are.

Let’s keep fighting the GOOD fight, together!